Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween, part 1

I'm not a big fan of this holiday. I'm pretty sure my blog post last year said that same thing but I still haven't found a love for it! So every year I try and keep the costumes low key. This year Davis is Spiderman, Grayson is Ben 10, Whitney is an ice cream sundae (or a cupcake, you can't really tell haha) and Leah is a black cat. Even in their simple costumes the kids had fun and that's all that matters :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"Not tonight honey, I'm on the RAGnar."

-The title of this post was one of the team names.  Sooo funny!

- Our van was full of awesome people who are in way better shape than me!

- When I run I have a lot of internal dialogue.  I say things to myself like:
Just run for this song then you can walk.
I hate running, I'm just here to hang out with friends.
Pretend like you didn't notice that the lady who just passed you was old enough to be your grandma.

-During our first leg we were sooo chatty and everyone was laughing non-stop.  By the third leg we were happy to be alive ;)

-Note to self: during the next race do NOT eat at the Cheesecake factory. The food tastes so good you will eat too much!

-Total distances: Autumn 13.1 miles, Jeff 15.5 miles.

Favorite memories:
Jeff not letting a lady beat him to the exchange.  She REALLY tried to steal his thunder but he wouldn't let her!
Jeff calling Spencer a billy goat because he smiles while he runs uphill.
Ben calling Spencer Stuart because he thought that was his name.
The crazy zombie team running their first leg in full make-up. 
My entire team being so supportive.  A great bunch of people who never made anyone feel like they weren't running fast enough.
Kelli's motto, that I soon adopted, was "If I have to walk it I have to walk it."
I missed the photo op in front of the Ragnar vehicle because I was getting my food.  The picture shows Jeff looking over his shoulder for me and Spencer calling for me on the megaphone.  LOVE IT!

Favorite things said:
Brandon: "Man that's a small window." Because he did actually climb out the window to talk to Kelly without getting a violation.
Aileen: "I love the smell of jerky in the morning."
Jeff: "We are very supportive.  We're great athletic supporters."
Brandon: "It's a gradual 700ft climb over two miles." *giving a look*
Me to Jeff:  "If you get out of the van technically it's a violation."
Jeff: "Violate me."
Brandon to me: "If you have to jog it you have to jog it."  Through the megaphone.  It's good advice but I felt like I was running full speed haha.
Brandon to all the people in line for a porta-potty at 6 am, through the megaphone: "To all the people in the porta-potties keep it short.  Like under 3 minutes, or you will get violated, and you do NOT want to get violated in a porta-potty!"

Friday, October 21, 2011

Girly stuff!

In October we went to Jake & Sarah's wedding. I sewed that maxi skirt from a pattern I saw on Pinterest. I love it!

Leah took her nail polish with her boot haha.

Leah loved the flowers at the wedding! Tiffany let her take this small bouquet home. She loved it!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Adventures! in Motherhood

I'm running errands with the younger two kids and Grays says, "I have an egg in my pocket."

Yes ladies and gentlemen a real, live chicken egg. 
So then I had an egg in my purse :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Wednesday Whatever

  • It's really cold here all of the sudden!  Last night at Davis' soccer practice I was freezing and the thermometer on my van said the outside temperature was 66 degrees.   Today the kids are playing outside wearing mittens and for some odd reason all of this makes me want to use my crock pot haha.
  • Whitney's on a twin bed now.  She's potty trained (which I never blogged about because it was pretty easy) so it's best for her to not be in a crib.  Nap time is crazy again though. Off and on and off and on and off and on...
  • Jeff and I are going to run in the Las Vegas Ragnar with other members of our ward (Oct 21st & 22nd).  I'm soooo excited!!  I haven't really been training but I think it will work out since we're all just doing it for fun.
  • We tried a new piano teacher yesterday since Leah's old one stopped teaching due to her 4th pregnancy (and I heard the other day she's moving to TX!).  He came to our house, had a lot of great energy and gave Davis and Leah their introductory lesson.  Everything went great and we'll see how this week of practicing goes.  

Monday, October 3, 2011

The camera dilema.

Our camera is broken and realized I don't have a lot of recent pictures :(   
So if you have camera recommendations let me know, I'm in the market!  
In the meantime I decided to just take pictures on my phone.  Here's a typical day for me:

Grayson pretending I'm a robot and he has to fix my leg.
Whitney taking a turn hammering.
Meanwhile, Davis is doing a handstand on the stair landing.  Safety first ;)
Leah's probably in her room reading a book.