Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Singing in the Rain"

My kids love a good rain shower! I think it's because it happens about once a year :)


gojensens said...

The kids are so cute! Look at Grayson hanging with the big kids!

Anonymous said...

So fun! I'm looking at some clouds right now wondering if they are just teasing me or if they'll really rain. We're stuck inside since Wyatt got foot and mouth disease from some other kids in nursery. Bummer!

Misty said...

That's not a real rainstorm. Whn it rains here you can't even see across the street and the roads flood, the rain looks perfect to play in though!

Lisa and Bill said...

I love the rain too but James doesn't! Ugh! How cute your little family is.

Mady said...

HI I am Mady! I live right next door to Kathy and Paul. I really like your blog. Unlike me you put pictures and videos and other cute things on yours.