Saturday, August 23, 2008

Aug 16, 2008- The first time a child of mine needed stitches...

And it was Grayson!!! A few hours after we got to the Mexico beach house he fell down a few stairs onto the hard marble floor and busted his lip all the way through! He was quite a trooper and after 4 hours in the ER he ended up with only two stitches and a FAT lip. Jeff was okay with everything though because apparently scars are manly and chicks dig 'em :)


I am Keri. said...

Oh my gosh! Well if it were to be anyone, it was bound to be Grayson. He's such a party animal! I'm glad everything's ok. Hope you're having fun!

gojensens said...

Oh, poor Grayson (and you)! I would have been so sad for my baby and nervous to go to a hospital in Mexico. I'm glad all is well!

Autumn said...

Oh yeah, I didn't include in the story that we drove back to San Diego to see a doctor. It's not really that far of a drive but it took forever to get across the border!! His lip only really bled for a few minutes, and I'm sure people thought I was overreacting, but I felt much better having taken him in. And yes, all is well :)