Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"What 'do can compare with mine today?"

- Hairspray
Whitney has an afro!
Davis got a haircut, Leah's just cute :)
I got a haircut too!
Grayson has oatmeal hair... what a stinker!
I thought he'd grown out of this phase. Of course he did this while our water softener was being installed and the water was shut off. By the time it was turned back on his hair was crunchy, LOL.


Jocie said...

Those are some great 'dos! I especially like yours and Grays. Rome had spaghetti in his hair for an hour. I was just waiting for his bath, but people kept telling me, um there is stuff in his hair. Yea, I know, its spaghetti sauce.

Elizabeth said...

You are all freaking adorable! Where's Jeff? His 'do isn't good enough to make the blog post??? :) I really like your haircut...I'm going to get mine done soon!

Misty said...

Love the haircut! You look amazing! And of course all the kids are so cute! I miss you! Hey I'm making taggie blankets and want to send one to Whitney- do you like hot pink/zebra or flowers? Check out my facebook for pictures!

Heidi and Rich said...

Love the haircut!!! Tell the kids Hi for us.