Wednesday, February 20, 2008

When did I lose my mind!?!

I was being brave and I took all of my kids plus Izzy to the grocery store today. In the store they were great! Only one person had commented "You've got your hands full" and I attributed it to them behaving so great nobody noticed my herd of children in tow. As we were leaving I was patting my self on the back thinking I'd done a pretty good job reigning in the troops, and had adverted several crises with quick thinking and spot-on negotiating. "Yeah, I'm pretty good" I was thinking to myself. I had started to rain and so I quickly helped each child into their seats and ran around to my door before I was completely soaked. I THEN DROVE AWAY FROM THE STORE LEAVING THE GROCERIES IN THE CART IN THE RAIN!!! My head hurts when I think about it. It wasn't too long later that I noticed they weren't in the van and turned around to retrieve them, but I was seriously embarrassed. It's been a while since I've felt this inept. There was an Albertson's worker outside when I pulled up and before I could say anything she asked me if I was looking for my cart. I must have looked as mortified as I felt.
Seriously, when did I lose my mind!?!


Katie said...

Hey, you got the kids in an buckled! Give yourself some credit. A few times I have gotten halfway to the store and realized that Gabe is not buckled in. Funny story. I would do/have done very similar things.

Rache said...

OMGoodness Autumn. I had to laugh to myself thinking of you when you realized you left the cart. But I got to give it to you for taking out 4 kids grocery shopping. I dont even like to take just my 2.

Janae' said... are a Biology know children kill brain cells....:)


I am Keri. said...

Welcome to my world...

Keith A. Runyon said...


You're killin' me girl. Forgot your groceries! LOL. In fact, ROFLOL.

Don't worry, all this child rearing stuff will all pass in, 18 years or so. Enjoy!

I like your blog.


Keith A. Runyon said...


You're killin' me girl. Forgot your groceries! LOL. In fact, ROFLOL.

Don't worry, all this child rearing stuff will all pass in, 18 years or so. Enjoy!

I like your blog.


gojensens said...

How funny! I'm sure you died, when you realized you forgot your groceries! But, good job with all the kids!