Anyways, instead I will blog about teaching Relief Society last Sunday. Sooooo many women were surprised that I was teaching and told me they wouldn't be able to do it because they'd be too scared. The women of the Relief Society are nice compared to the teenagers! I was reminded of a time when I subbed for a friend and taught the 16 & 17 year old Sunday School class. They ate me for breakfast. Andrew Clark & Brendon Urie wouldn't stop talking and making inappropriate comments. John Stephens wouldn't even open his scriptures even though they were supposed to be taking turns reading from them. And the girls wouldn't say a word. It was RIDICULOUS! And then I asked Brendon to give the closing prayer and he prayed "please bless that next week we can have a good teacher"! Yeah. I'm pretty sure I changed those kids' lives for good ;) In comparison, teaching Relief Society isn't so tough.
Teenagers can be jerks! Kevin and I were called to teach the 17-18 year olds, and I remember wanting to quit after our first day. I can't believe he prayed for a better teacher! And you were great in Relief Society.
I unplugged the TV a couple of times and told William it wasn't working. Then I kind of forgot about that trick until I read this, so thanks for reminding me! We may have to instate a "naptime for the tv" everyday or something...
My mom has been teaching 14-17 yr old sunday school for a few months now. She says she hopes every Sunday that she will start to like it, because she figures she won't get released until she likes it :) I know at the beginning she had problems with kids who "had their scriptures on their ipods"...and used that as an excuse to play on them during class. I should stop talking, lest I get called to do that job here!
LOL! The Mia Maids were always a little intimidating for me to teach...I like teaching primary, and adults don't scare me so much. It's those rotten teenagers. I'm always surprised how bad people get scared to give talks or teach in church! Come on people, no biggie!
haha love the shout out to my hubs. hahaha i hear he was a rebellious one before i met him. good thing i don't have to deal with that!
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