Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Nothing says Happy Valentine's like a good old-fashioned cat fight.
Enjoy :)


I am Keri. said...

I flippin' LOVE that commercial! And I hardly watch TV so that's saying something!

I am Keri. said...

OK I also wanted to say that I almost cringe at the same time because it's like they almost are cursing and then at the last moment they don't. It's in a funny way though. Does that make sense? Like, somehow the words "Lint Licker" should actually be taboo... nevermind I'm just crazy. :)

Autumn said...

My favorite is when he says "What the French Toast" which is pretty childish and comical but you know in real life that sentence would have been extremely vulgar. I think if I ever do get into a verbal argument with some girl I'm going to use Cootie Queen and Stinky McStink when I'm trying to really mean :)

Rache said...

you lint licker is my favorite part. love that commercial. sydney is now saying it over and over