Thursday, May 8, 2008

One year ago today...

was the day Grayson was born :)
Happy Birthday Gray!

It's been a good year. Grayson was instantly loved by both his brother and his sister. As a baby he was so calm and let them play with him a lot. He grew up so fast!! He had 8 teeth at 8 months! He's so smart too :) By his first birthday he could say Hi, Mom, Dada, & Leah! He could give kisses, click his tongue, and wave goodbye. He also developed a love for the phone. If it's laying around he'll pick it up, hold it to his head (or neck :) and jabber. And don't try to take it away, he has an iron clad grip and a ear piercing shriek. I think Leah taught him that :)


Katie said...

Happy late birthday to your cutest kid ;o)

gojensens said...

Happy Birthday Grayson, the time goes too fast!

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

What a cute little chub! Time really has flown - he still seems so little to me.