Monday, June 7, 2010


I'm having trouble with my sleep patterns these days. I think that because I've had a child waking up in the night for the last... um, forever... I've gotten into the habit of not sleeping. But now that both Grayson and Whitney are sleeping through the night (which is a MIRACLE in and of itself!!) I still don't sleep much. I feel MAJORLY sleep deprived all day but at night I get kinda a second wind and stay up late reading or looking up things on the internet or watching movies with Jeff. In the past I've always felt my best when I've gone to bed early and woken up early so I just need to get back to that. I KNOW better now I just have to DO better. It's time to be like, you know... an adult haha.

So tell me, what time do you go to bed?


Katie said...

So, I am like you. I know that I feel best when I go to bed early. However, once the kids get to bed, I feel like I need some time to unwind before I go to bed and start everything all over again. I always end up staying up late doing things that aren't necessary (like you - watching movies or reading books, or spending time online). So I have recently set a bedtime for myself - 10 pm. It is hard to abide by, but yeah, I know I need it.

Jocie said...

I love my sleep! It just doesn't happen. I try to go to bed by 10:30 or 11 and am super tired if I get up before 8:30. But that includes getting up 1-3 times for 45 minutes. And in the case of last night, once extra to cuddle with Rome who had a bad dream. I am tired ALL the time.

Ruth said...

Before Quinn was born I felt like a rebel if I was still awake at 10:00! Of course, I left for work at 6:45 every morning. Now I usually go to bed around 11:00 but certainly miss my early bedtime. And I'm like you--I'll be dead tired but once it's bedtime I'm not that sleepy.

Autumn said...

OK. I'm going to try to have lights out at 10pm. Last night I went to bed at 11pm, didn't turn the lights out until 11:30pm and then had to get up with Whitney AND Davis around midnight. Of course everyone got up before 7am so today I was SUPER tired. I didn't try to take a nap so hopefully I can fall asleep easier. Sleep patterns are one of the toughest parts of being a mom for me! I think moms with young kids are just chronically sleep deprived.